Instant Orgasm – Excitement at the First Touch
The Bodanskys have written another groundbreaking book that will change the way couples approach sex. In Extended Massive Orgasm and The Illustrated Guide to Extended Massive Orgasm they taught readers how to increase the length and intensity of their orgasm. Now they describe techniques that help sexual partners get turned on and orgasm quicker than ever before.
Their approach is revolutionary. They challenge you, the reader, to think about orgasms in totally new ways and to be open to more pleasure that you can imagine _ maybe even more than you think you can enjoy.
Describing the new kind of orgasm, the Bodanskys explain how couple ÐtrainsÓ one another to become instantly turned on. Imagine getting aroused before the first stroke or with just one caress. The authors give examples from their own experiences and share the success they have had teaching Instant Orgasm (IO) to students in their sexuality courses. Readers are guided through sections that teach:
–how to turn on yourself and your partner
–when, where, and how to touch your partner
–how to handle resistance and anger
–how to combine IO and EMO